Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fall Garlic

     Three weeks ago we received our blackberries and garlic. We planted the blackberries right away and they are all taken care of, but we had to wait a bit for the garlic. We were finally able to get our little garden area set and plant the garlic on the tenth.
     Last year we grew some garlic in the large garden and it was wonderful. This year we thought we would try our little area because it worked so well for our onions. We picked out two different types for this season. We’ll be sporting a Persian Star and Elephant garlic (goodness they are big). Of the elephant we only received four cloves but they should yield a lot.

     My little helper was having too much fun with her friend so she is here but not really “here”. Assisting and adding commentary will be Mama. 

1 comment:

  1. Just to let everyone know Mama was told that all her commentary would be cut out!!! So sorry for all my lunatic ravings!
